Sunday, April 08, 2007

Melting hearts like candy floss

Happy Easter all.

Hope you’re having a decent break, and (to paraphrase the words of the Somerfield press release), that rampant commercialism hasn’t overshadowed the real meaning of Easter, which is a time when people up and down the country celebrate the birth of Christ…

Cheesy as it now sounds, I was originally going to try and produce an ill-advised Easter-themed posting for today. But thankfully, my meanderings around Myspace and the whole of the Interweb have taken me off on a different path altogether.

Bearos Records

Think of the Bearos site as one of those slightly frustrating but compulsive record shops that you stumble across from time to time. Bearos are a Birmingham-based independent label that seem to centre a lot of their activities on selling CDs online, and which has a very generous if confusing free download section on their site. There’s also some sort of giveaway CD scheme that I’ve missed.

I don't suppose they'd thank me for linking directly to any of their free mp3s, but of the tracks I’ve heard so far, I’d say the downloads by Papa November, Crazyface and San Lorenzo are worth hearing.

Bearos also have a free CD they are giving away at some of the All Tomorrows Parties events, which I’d also recommend getting. I’ll try and get hold of one myself, and maybe post a few tracks.

Bipolar Baby

I do have some tracks to post here, though. I particularly liked the Crazyface track on Bearos’ site and Googled them, only to find they’d split up a couple of years ago. But... members of the band have gone on to form Bipolar Baby with a Texan singer called Kaytee.

The direction of the band seems to have changed somewhat and become much heavier. I would say that they are currently treading perilously close to the path of Darkness (or Kerrang, at least). These tracks are not really staple PP fare and I have a feeling I’m going to regret posting them in a few weeks. I have, I’m afraid, been seduced by the [ahem] haunting vocals of Kaytee DeWolf which change the balance of what are some pretty uncomplicated but catchy arrangements.

I kinda like them and there’s another track to pick up at their site if you want to investigate them further.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm grinning from ear to ear... xxx